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How to Build Filters

The Company Search API allows filtering results using text, range, and boolean filters. Below is a guide on how to construct each type of filter with examples.

Text Filter

A text filter is used to filter based on specific text values. Each text filter must contain filter_type, type and list of value.

Valid Types:

  • in: To include values.
  • not in: To exclude values. Excluding values might not be supported for every filter.


"filter_type": "COMPANY_HEADCOUNT",
"type": "in",
"value": ["10,001+", "1,001-5,000"]

Range Filter

A range filter is used to filter based on a range of values. Each filter must contain filter_type, type and value. Few range filters might contain a sub_filter. Ensure that you correctly pass sub_filter if required.


The sub_filter is an optional field that provides additional context for the range filter. For example, with the DEPARTMENT_HEADCOUNT filter, the sub_filter specifies which department the filter applies to. Ensure that you correctly pass sub_filter if required.

Valid Types:

  • between: To specify a range of values, indicating that the value must fall within the defined minimum and maximum limits.


"filter_type": "ANNUAL_REVENUE",
"type": "between",
"value": {"min": 1, "max": 500},
"sub_filter": "USD"

Boolean Filter

A boolean filter is used to filter based on true/false values. It doesn't contain any type or value


"filter_type": "IN_THE_NEWS"

Filters often require specific values. Only use values that are defined for each filter.

Filter TypeDescriptionPropertiesValues/Sub-filters
COMPANY_HEADCOUNTSpecifies the size of the company based on the number of employees.types: [in]"1-10", "11-50", "51-200", "201-500", "501-1,000", "1,001-5,000", "5,001-10,000", "10,001+"
REGIONSpecifies the geographical region of the company.types: [in, not in]region_values
INDUSTRYSpecifies the industry of the company.types: [in, not in]industry_values
NUM_OF_FOLLOWERSSpecifies the number of followers a company has.types: [in]"1-50", "51-100", "101-1000", "1001-5000", "5001+"
FORTUNESpecifies the Fortune ranking of the company.types: [in]"Fortune 50", "Fortune 51-100", "Fortune 101-250", "Fortune 251-500"
ACCOUNT_ACTIVITIESSpecifies recent account activities, such as leadership changes or funding events.types: [in]"Senior leadership changes in last 3 months", "Funding events in past 12 months"
JOB_OPPORTUNITIESSpecifies job opportunities available at the company.types: [in]"Hiring"
COMPANY_HEADCOUNT_GROWTHSpecifies the growth of the company's headcount.allowed_without_sub_filter, types: [between]N/A
ANNUAL_REVENUESpecifies the annual revenue of the company.types: [between]"USD", "AED", "AUD", "BRL", "CAD", "CNY", "DKK", "EUR", "GBP", "HKD", "IDR", "ILS", "INR", "JPY", "NOK", "NZD", "RUB", "SEK", "SGD", "THB", "TRY", "TWD"
DEPARTMENT_HEADCOUNTSpecifies the headcount of specific departments within the company.types: [between]"Accounting", "Administrative", "Arts and Design", "Business Development", "Community and Social Services", "Consulting", "Education", "Engineering", "Entrepreneurship", "Finance", "Healthcare Services", "Human Resources", "Information Technology", "Legal", "Marketing", "Media and Communication", "Military and Protective Services", "Operations", "Product Management", "Program and Project Management", "Purchasing", "Quality Assurance", "Real Estate", "Research", "Sales", "Customer Success and Support"
DEPARTMENT_HEADCOUNT_GROWTHSpecifies the growth of headcount in specific departments.types: [between]"Accounting", "Administrative", "Arts and Design", "Business Development", "Community and Social Services", "Consulting", "Education", "Engineering", "Entrepreneurship", "Finance", "Healthcare Services", "Human Resources", "Information Technology", "Legal", "Marketing", "Media and Communication", "Military and Protective Services", "Operations", "Product Management", "Program and Project Management", "Purchasing", "Quality Assurance", "Real Estate", "Research", "Sales", "Customer Success and Support"
KEYWORDFilters based on specific keywords related to the company.types: [in]List of strings (max length 1)
Filter TypeDescriptionPropertiesValues/Sub-filters
CURRENT_COMPANYSpecifies the current company of the person.types: [in, not in]List of strings
CURRENT_TITLESpecifies the current title of the person.types: [in, not in]List of strings
PAST_TITLESpecifies the past titles held by the person.types: [in, not in]List of strings
COMPANY_HEADQUARTERSSpecifies the headquarters of the person's company.types: [in, not in]region_values
COMPANY_HEADCOUNTSpecifies the size of the company based on the number of employees.types: [in]"Self-employed", "1-10", "11-50", "51-200", "201-500", "501-1,000", "1,001-5,000", "5,001-10,000", "10,001+"
REGIONSpecifies the geographical region of the person.types: [in, not in]region_values
INDUSTRYSpecifies the industry of the person's company.types: [in, not in]industry_values
PROFILE_LANGUAGESpecifies the language of the person's profile.types: [in]"Arabic", "English", "Spanish", "Portuguese", "Chinese", "French", "Italian", "Russian", "German", "Dutch", "Turkish", "Tagalog", "Polish", "Korean", "Japanese", "Malay", "Norwegian", "Danish", "Romanian", "Swedish", "Bahasa Indonesia", "Czech"
SENIORITY_LEVELSpecifies the seniority level of the person.types: [in, not in]"Owner / Partner", "CXO", "Vice President", "Director", "Experienced Manager", "Entry Level Manager", "Strategic", "Senior", "Entry Level", "In Training"
YEARS_AT_CURRENT_COMPANYSpecifies the number of years the person has been at their current company.types: [in]"Less than 1 year", "1 to 2 years", "3 to 5 years", "6 to 10 years", "More than 10 years"
YEARS_IN_CURRENT_POSITIONSpecifies the number of years the person has been in their current position.types: [in]"Less than 1 year", "1 to 2 years", "3 to 5 years", "6 to 10 years", "More than 10 years"
YEARS_OF_EXPERIENCESpecifies the total years of experience the person has.types: [in]"Less than 1 year", "1 to 2 years", "3 to 5 years", "6 to 10 years", "More than 10 years"
FIRST_NAMESpecifies the first name of the person.types: [in]List of strings (max length 1)
LAST_NAMESpecifies the last name of the person.types: [in]List of strings (max length 1)
FUNCTIONSpecifies the function or role of the person.types: [in, not in]"Accounting", "Administrative", "Arts and Design", "Business Development", "Community and Social Services", "Consulting", "Education", "Engineering", "Entrepreneurship", "Finance", "Healthcare Services", "Human Resources", "Information Technology", "Legal", "Marketing", "Media and Communication", "Military and Protective Services", "Operations", "Product Management", "Program and Project Management", "Purchasing", "Quality Assurance", "Real Estate", "Research", "Sales", "Customer Success and Support"
PAST_COMPANYSpecifies the past companies the person has worked for.types: [in, not in]List of strings
COMPANY_TYPESpecifies the type of company the person works for.types: [in]"Public Company", "Privately Held", "Non Profit", "Educational Institution", "Partnership", "Self Employed", "Self Owned", "Government Agency"
POSTED_ON_SOCIAL_MEDIASpecifies if the person has posted on social media.N/AN/A
RECENTLY_CHANGED_JOBSSpecifies if the person has recently changed jobs.N/AN/A
IN_THE_NEWSSpecifies if the person has been mentioned in the news.N/AN/A
KEYWORDFilters based on specific keywords related to the company.types: [in]List of strings (max length 1)