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Crustdata Data Dictionary (People)


Profile and Background

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
linkedin_profile_urlProfile url of the person. Example:
linkedin_flagship_urlProfile url in readable format. Example:
nameName of the person
emailEmail of the person
titleTitle of the person at the current job
headlineHeadline of the person on their profile
summarySummary of the person on their profile
num_of_connectionsNumber of connections the person has on their profile
skillsAll the skills the person has listed on their profile
twitter_handleTwitter handle shared by the person on their profile
languagesThe languages the person speaks as listed on their profile
all_employersList of all employers the person has worked for
all_employers_company_idCompany IDs corresponding to each employer
all_titlesList of all job titles the person has held
all_schoolsList of all schools the person attended
all_degreesList of all degrees obtained by the person

Post and Reactor Information


backend_urnstringUnique identifier for the activity
share_urnstringUnique identifier for the share
share_urlstringURL of the shared post
textstringContent of the post
actor_namestringName of the post author
date_postedstringDate when the post was published (YYYY-MM-DD)
total_reactionsintegerTotal number of reactions on the post
total_commentsintegerTotal number of comments on the post
reactions_by_typeobjectBreakdown of reactions by type
num_sharesintegerNumber of times the post was shared


namestringName of the person who reacted
linkedin_profile_urlstringURL of the reactor's profile
reaction_typestringType of reaction (e.g., LIKE, EMPATHY)
profile_image_urlstringURL of the reactor's profile image
titlestringProfessional title of the reactor
additional_infostringAdditional information about the connection
locationstringLocation of the reactor
linkedin_profile_urnstringUnique identifier for the profile
default_position_titlestringCurrent job title
default_position_company_linkedin_idstringID of the current employer
default_position_is_decision_makerbooleanIndicates if the person is a decision maker
flagship_profile_urlstringAnother URL format for the profile
profile_picture_urlstringURL of the full-size profile picture
headlinestringProfessional headline
summarystringProfessional summary (can be null)
num_of_connectionsintegerNumber of connections
related_colleague_company_idintegerID of a related company
skillsarrayList of professional skills

Employment History

titlestringJob title
company_namestringName of the employer
company_linkedin_idstringID of the company
start_datestringStart date of employment (ISO 8601 format)
end_datestringEnd date of employment (ISO 8601 format, can be null)
descriptionstringJob description (can be null)
locationstringJob location
rich_mediaarrayAdditional media related to the job (empty in this example)


degree_namestringName of the degree obtained
institute_namestringName of the educational institution
field_of_studystringArea of study
start_datestringStart date of education (ISO 8601 format)
end_datestringEnd date of education (ISO 8601 format)

Additional Information

emailsarrayList of email addresses
websitesarrayList of websites (empty in this example)
twitter_handlestringTwitter handle (null in this example)
languagesarrayList of languages spoken (empty in this example)
pronounstringPreferred pronoun (null in this example)
current_titlestringCurrent job title