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Crustdata Data Dictionary (Company)


ColumnDescriptionTime series available
company_nameName of the company
last_updated_dateThe timestamp when this information was last updated
hq_countryThe country where the company's headquarters is located
largest_headcount_countryThe country with the most employees of the company
last_funding_round_typeThe type of the company's last funding round
company_websiteThe company's official website URL
company_website_domainThe domain of the company's website
valuation_usdThe current valuation of the company in USD
valuation_dateThe date when the current valuation was determined
categoriesThe categories of the company
industriesThe industries in which the company operates
investorsThe investors in the company
total_investment_usdThe total amount of investment the company has receivedYes
marketsThe markets in which the company operates. Eg: Private/NSE/NASDAQ
days_since_last_fundraiseThe number of days since the company's last fundraising round
profile_urlThe URL of the company's profile
acquisition_statusThe current acquisition status of the company
year_foundedThe year the company was founded
technology_domainsThe technology domains in which the company operates
twitter_handleTwitter handle of the company
company_idID of the company
company_descriptionDescription about the company

Founder background

Column NameDescription
founder_names_and_profile_urlsNames and profile URLs of the company's founders and decision makers (CxO and VP/Head of Sales/Marketing/Engineering/Product)
founders_locationgeographical location(s) of the company's and decision makers (CxO and VP/Head of Sales/Marketing/Engineering/Product)
founders_education_instituteeducational institutions attended by the company's founders and decision makers (CxO and VP/Head of Sales/Marketing/Engineering/Product)
founders_degree_namedegree(s) held by the company's founders and decision makers (CxO and VP/Head of Sales/Marketing/Engineering/Product)
founders_previous_companyprevious company(ies) where the company's founders and decision makers (CxO and VP/Head of Sales/Marketing/Engineering/Product) have worked before
founders_previous_titleprevious job title(s) held by the company's founders and decision makers (CxO and VP/Head of Sales/Marketing/Engineering/Product)
founders_emailbusiness email of founders


Column NameDescription
estimated_revenue_lower_bound_usdEstimated revenue in USD lower limit
estimated_revenue_higher_bound_usdEstimated revenue in USD higher limit

Employee Headcount

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
headcountThe total number of employees at the companyYes
followersThe total number of followers of the company's profileYes
headcount_engineeringThe total number of engineering employees at the companyYes
headcount_salesThe total number of sales employees at the companyYes
headcount_operationsThe total number of operations employees at the companyYes
headcount_human_resourceThe total number of human resources employees at the companyYes
headcount_indiaThe total number of employees based in India at the companyYes
headcount_usaThe total number of employees based in USA at the companyYes
headcount_engineering_pctThe percentage of employees that are in engineering rolesYes
headcount_sales_pctThe percentage of employees that are in sales rolesYes
headcount_operations_pctThe percentage of employees that are in operations rolesYes
headcount_human_resource_pctThe percentage of employees that are in human resources rolesYes
headcount_india_pctThe percentage of employees that are based in India
headcount_usa_pctThe percentage of employees that are based in USA
headcount_mom_pctThe month-over-month percentage change in headcount
headcount_qoq_pctThe quarter-over-quarter percentage change in headcount
headcount_yoy_pctThe year-over-year percentage change in headcount
headcount_mom_absoluteThe month-over-month absolute change in headcount
headcount_qoq_absoluteThe quarter-over-quarter absolute change in headcount
headcount_yoy_absoluteThe year-over-year absolute change in headcount
followers_mom_pctThe month-over-month percentage change in the number of followers
followers_qoq_pctThe quarter-over-quarter percentage change in the number of followers
followers_yoy_pctThe year-over-year percentage change in the number of followers
headcount_sales_six_months_growth_pctThe six months growth percentage in Sales headcount
headcount_sales_yoy_growth_pctThe one year growth percentage in Sales headcount
headcount_operations_six_months_growth_pctThe six months growth percentage in Sales headcount
headcount_operations_yoy_growth_pctThe one year growth percentage in Operations headcount
headcount_quality_assurance_six_months_growth_pctThe six months growth percentage in Quality Assurance headcount
headcount_quality_assurance_yoy_growth_pctThe one year growth percentage in Quality Assurance headcount
headcount_usa_six_months_growth_pctThe six months growth percentage in US headcount
headcount_usa_yoy_growth_pctThe one year growth percentage in US headcount
headcount_india_six_months_growth_pctThe six months growth percentage in US headcount
headcount_india_yoy_growth_pctThe one year growth percentage in US headcount
headcount_mexico_six_months_growth_pctThe six months growth percentage in US headcount
headcount_mexico_yoy_growth_pctThe one year growth percentage in US headcount

Employee Skills

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
all_employee_skill_namesAll skill names of employees at the company
all_employee_skill_countCount of each skill among employees at the companyYes
employee_skills_0_to_10_pctPercentage of employees with 0-10% proficiency in skills
employee_skills_11_to_30_pctPercentage of employees with 11-30% proficiency in skills
employee_skills_31_to_50_pctPercentage of employees with 31-50% proficiency in skills
employee_skills_51_to_70_pctPercentage of employees with 51-70% proficiency in skills
employee_skills_71_to_100_pctPercentage of employees with 71-100% proficiency in skills

Employee Review and Rating

Column NameDescriptionTime series available
overall_ratingThe company's overall ratingYes
culture_ratingThe company's culture ratingYes
diversity_ratingThe company's diversity ratingYes
work_life_balance_ratingThe company's work-life balance ratingYes
senior_management_ratingThe company's senior management ratingYes
compensation_ratingThe company's compensation ratingYes
career_opportunities_ratingThe company's career opportunities ratingYes
recommend_to_friend_pctThe percentage of reviewers who would recommend the company to a friendYes
ceo_approval_pctThe percentage of reviewers who approve of the CEOYes
business_outlook_pctThe percentage of reviewers who have a positive business outlook for the companyYes
review_countThe number of reviews of the companyYes
ceo_approval_mom_pctThe month-over-month percentage change in CEO approval rating
ceo_approval_qoq_pctThe quarter-over-quarter percentage change in CEO approval rating
ceo_approval_mom_pctThe year-over-year percentage change in CEO approval rating
review_count_mom_pctThe month-over-month percentage change in the number of reviews
review_count_qoq_pctThe quarter-over-quarter percentage change in the number of reviews
review_count_yoy_pctThe year-over-year percentage change in the number of reviews

Product Reviews

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
review_countThe number of reviews of the companyYes
average_ratingThe company's average ratingYes
review_count_mom_pctThe month-over-month percentage change in the number of reviews
review_count_qoq_pctThe quarter-over-quarter percentage change in the number of reviews
review_count_yoy_pctThe year-over-year percentage change in the number of reviews

Web Traffic

Column NameDescriptionTime series available
monthly_visitorsThe number of monthly visitors to the company's siteYes
monthly_visitor_mom_pctThe month-over-month percentage change in the number of monthly visitors to the company's site
traffic_source_social_pctThe percentage of the company's site traffic that comes from social media
traffic_source_search_pctThe percentage of the company's site traffic that comes from search engines
traffic_source_direct_pctThe percentage of the company's site traffic that comes directly
traffic_source_paid_referral_pctThe percentage of the company's site traffic that comes from paid referrals
traffic_source_referral_pctThe percentage of the company's site traffic that comes from non-paid referrals

Job Listing Growth By Function

Column NameDescription
job_openings_accounting_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in accounting
job_openings_accounting_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in accounting
job_openings_art_and_design_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in art and design
job_openings_art_and_design_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in art and design
job_openings_business_development_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in business development
job_openings_business_development_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in business development
job_openings_engineering_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in engineering
job_openings_engineering_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in engineering
job_openings_finance_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in finance
job_openings_finance_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in finance
job_openings_human_resource_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in human resources
job_openings_human_resource_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in human resources
job_openings_information_technology_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in information technology
job_openings_information_technology_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in information technology
job_openings_marketing_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in marketing
job_openings_marketing_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in marketing
job_openings_media_and_communication_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in media and communication
job_openings_media_and_communication_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in media and communication
job_openings_operations_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in operations
job_openings_operations_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in operations
job_openings_research_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in research
job_openings_research_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in research
job_openings_sales_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in sales
job_openings_sales_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in sales
job_openings_product_management_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of job openings in product management
job_openings_product_management_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of job openings in product management
job_openings_overall_qoq_pctQuarterly growth percentage of overall job openings
job_openings_overall_six_months_growth_pctSix months growth percentage of overall job openings

Total Job Listings

Column NameDescription
job_openings_titleCurrent job opening titles at the company
job_openings_countThe total count of current job openings at the company
job_openings_count_mom_pctThe percentage change in the number of job openings at the company on a month-over-month basis
job_openings_count_qoq_pctThe percentage change in the number of job openings at the company on a quarter-over-quarter basis
job_openings_count_yoy_pctThe percentage change in the number of job openings at the company on a year-over-year basis


Column NameDescription
meta_total_adsTotal Ads during the lifetime of the company
meta_active_adsCurrently active Ads by the company
meta_ad_urlURL of company's page on Meta Ads Library

SEO and Search Engine Ranking

Column NameDescription
average_organic_rankAverage rank of company domain on keywords for which it ranks in top 100 results
monthly_paid_clicksEstimated number of clicks on website from Google Ads
monthly_organic_clicksEstimated number of clicks on website from organic search results
average_ad_rankAverage position of all the company domain's ad
total_organic_resultsNumber of keywords for which the company domain appears in organic search result
monthly_google_ads_budgetMonthly budget in USD of google ads campaigns
monthly_organic_valueA rollup of all of company domain's organic keywords and their collective value that their clicks bring in. In USD
total_ads_purchasedTotal number of keywords on which company's domain has advertised on.
lost_ranksNumber of keywords on which company's domain dropped its rank this month in search result while still being in top 100
gained_ranksNumber of keywords on which company's domain improved its rank this month in search result while still being in top 100
newly_rankedNumber of keywords on which atleast one of the company's domain's page started ranking in top 100 for the first time this month
paid_competitorsDomains that are competing for the same paid keywords/clicks
organic_competitorsDomains that are competing for the same organic keywords

Search Engine Impression

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
num_of_impressionsNumber of times company is searched on GoogleYes
num_of_impressions_mom_growthMonthly growth of number of times company is searched on Google
num_of_impressions_qoq_growthQuarterly growth of number of times company is searched on Google
num_of_impressions_yoy_growthYearly growth of number of times company is searched on Google

Twitter Followers

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
followersNumber of followers on company's Twitter handleYes
followers_mom_growthMonthly growth of Twitter followers
followers_qoq_growthQuarterly growth of Twitter followers
followers_yoy_growthYearly growth of Twitter followers
founder_handlesTwitter handles of founders

Twitter Posts

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
post_contentContent of the post on Twitter by the Company
date_postedDate of the Twitter postYes
likesNumber of likes of the postYes
retweetsNumber of retweets of the postYes
commentsNumber of comments on the postYes

Social Media Posts

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
post_contentContent of the post on social media by the Company
date_postedDate of the social media postYes
likesNumber of likes of the postYes
repostsNumber of reposts of the postYes
commentsNumber of comments on the postYes
reactorsList of full person/company profile of the entity reacting to the post. Each profile covers these full details of the reactor along with their work history see here.

News Articles

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
titleTitle of article
article_linkWebsite link of the article
publisher_nameName of the news publisher
date_publishedDate the article was first published by the news publisher
one_line_descriptionOne line description of the content of the article

Form D Filings

Column NameDescriptionTime Series Available
total_amountTotal offering amount in USDYes
date_filedDate FORM D was filed
date_of_first_saleDate of sale of the security
accession_noSEC Accession No
file_noSEC File No